2011 Accomplishments
November 21, 2011
Here are just a few of the things we were able to accomplish this year.
With your help, we:
- Protected five million acres of rainforest in Peru and Bolivia by supporting 637 families who depend on Brazil nut concessions for their livelihood.
- Protected the largest biological corridor in the Amazon headwaters by providing agroforestry support to 70 small landowners who are threatened by illegal gold mining and logging.
- Protected headwaters streams in the Manu National Park region by producing 90,453 tree seedlings to reforest 135 acres of degraded land.
- Engaged over 550 local schoolchildren by taking them on field trips to our biological stations and providing their teachers with educational materials about the importance of conserving local ecosystems.
- Pioneered the first use of a high-elevation constructed wetland that uses native plants to treat wastewater.
- Opened our new foothills research and education center, where we hosted 67 scientists studying climate change and conservation biology, two academic courses, and educational programs for 85 school children from the surrounding area.
You are helping us take effective action against the ongoing major threats facing forests, wildlife, and traditional communities of the Amazon Basin, and we want to take time out to thank you for your support and concern.