A sneak peek at our Los Amigos Birding Lodge
October 27, 2017
In the 2015 Global Big Day, Los Amigos Birding Lodge registered the fifth highest number of bird species in the world (308) – and with good reason. Not only do we have sharp-eyed bird guides stationed there, but Los Amigos is adjacent to the Los Amigos Conservation Concession and just east of world-famous Manu National Park, which means it is surrounded by millions of acres of protected wilderness.
The landscape is a mosaic of terrestrial and aquatic habitats, including palm swamps, bamboo thickets, oxbow lakes, and various types of flooded and non-flooded forests. Wildlife at Los Amigos is incredibly abundant, with nearly 600 bird species, such as Harpy Eagle, Spix’s and Blue-throated Piping-Guan, Razor-billed Curassow, Western Striolated Puffbird, Rufous-capped Nunlet, Pavonine Quetzal, Rufous-fronted Antthrush, and Pale-winged Trumpeter, as well as fascinating Amazonian mammals such as giant otters, spider monkeys and jaguars. A whopping 11 species of primate can be found in this area, such as the Tufted Capuchin (pictured below).
Los Amigos can be accessed via road and river from Puerto Maldonado, or via a lazy two-day boat ride from Villa Carmen. To experience the full Andes-to-Amazon adventure, many travelers hit all three of our lodges in a down-slope direction along Manu Road. After flying from Lima to Cusco, for example, a rewarding vacation starts at Wayqecha Cloud Forest Lodge (situated at 9,880 ft), heads down-slope to Villa Carmen Lodge (at 3,940 ft), and then winds its way down the Madre de Dios River to Los Amigos, with stops along the way to see a bustling clay lick (or collpa) featuring Scarlet, Red-and-green and Chestnut macaws. Sometimes, large mammals such as tapirs, capybaras, giant otters, and even jaguars can be spotted from the boat. Finally, after enjoying a filling, all-natural dinner at the lodge, Tawny-belied Screech-Owl, Spectacled, Crested and Mottled Owls can be listened for in the night.
Los Amigos features seven cabins with basic accommodations that start at $95 per person (double occupancy). Our staff can arrange a quality bird guide as well as all ground and boat transportation for your trip.
Your next wildlife adventure could be the best you ever had! Book a stay at Los Amigos Birding Lodge.