ACA and Partners Protect New 7,500-Acre Property in Peru
October 22, 2010
ACA’s Peruvian sister organization, the Asociación para la Conservación de la Cuenca Amazónica (ACCA), recently purchased 7,576 acres of land in southern Peru, thanks to funding from ACA, the American Bird Conservancy, the World Land Trust, and private donors. Located between the Piñi Piñi and Tono Rivers in the Manu Biosphere Reserve, the property is renowned for its incredibly diverse bird population. This acquisition and the creation of a private conservation area by ACCA will help to ensure the long-term protection of the region’s incredible diversity of wildlife. (Photo by Megan MacDowell)
The property, known as Villa Carmen, lies within the spectacular 4.7-million-acre Manu Biosphere Reserve, which is one of the most pristine areas of remaining rainforest in the Amazon. The land contains roughly 90 percent old-growth rainforest, with about five percent diversified agriculture and five percent secondary forest. Villa Carmen is particularly valued for its bird life, as it is home to more than 600 known species, including threatened species, like the military macaw, and migratory songbirds, like the Canada warbler.
ACA and ACCA will jointly oversee the management of Villa Carmen, where we will promote sustainable agroforestry and aquaculture, host educational programs, conduct research, and further incorporate local communities into conservation efforts. ACA is extremely excited about this new opportunity to protect a vital wildlife area, and we encourage you to check back for updates on Villa Carmen’s progress! (Photo by Adrian Tejedor)