ACCA and ACEAA Join the South American Forest Conservation Alliance (SAFCA)
April 24, 2024
On March 11th, representatives from our sister organizations Conservación Amazónica-ACEAA and Conservación Amazónica-ACCA met with the Foundation for the Conservation of the Chiquitano Forest – FCBC from Bolivia and Aktion Amazonas – AKAM from Denmark in Puerto Maldonado, Peru to formalize the creation of South American Forest Conservation Alliance (SAFCA) through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This new alliance represents the beginning of an international effort committed to conserving biodiversity and sustainable development in the Amazon and Chiquitanía, a tropical savannas region in the Santa Cruz Department of Bolivia.
SAFCA aims to integrate collective efforts in addressing environmental issues and initiate solutions for protecting biodiversity, the rights of local and indigenous people, and combating deforestation in the Amazon. The main objective is to form a strategic approach via landscape connectivity for conserving the tropical forests that stretch from the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest to the Bolivian Chiquitano Forest in Santa Cruz.
Conservación Amazónica – ACCA coordinated this event to exchange experiences between indigenous leaders, environmental defenders, and Peruvian national authorities to help understand what issues and environmental crimes threaten the Amazon, and how legal action can be taken to address such. María Elena Gutiérrez and Marcos Terán, Executive Directors of Conservación Amazónica-ACCA and Conservación Amazónica-ACEAA respectively, attended this event on behalf of the alliance to emphasize the importance of the social and cultural factors surrounding the Amazonian-Chiquitano landscape, which are vital for understanding solutions for sustainable development and adequate adaptation to climate resilience. Furthermore, FENAMAD Vice President Eusebio Ríos voiced his concerns about challenges faced by indigenous communities largely due to a high increase in illegal activities and violence in the Peruvian Amazon. In response, Toke F. Nyborg from Aktion Amazonas, highlighted the necessity for civil action among local communities and decision-makers when it comes to addressing major threats to the ecosystem. Technical team members from our Peru and Bolivia teams also shared their fieldwork, monitoring initiatives, climatic data, and experiences working with young people and community leaders in environmental monitoring and advocacy.
Amazon Conservation and its alliance has had a long history of teaming up with partners across the Amazon to initiate effective conservation efforts to protect biodiversity and local and indigenous people. Overall, understanding key issues in the Amazon opens doors to opportunities for solutions and action-taking when conserving South America’s tropical forests. The formation of SAFCA will help lead to collective efforts in building climate reliance, strengthening livelihoods, and benefiting both the planet and humanity.
Information and photos provided by Conservación Amazónica-ACEAA and Maia Galmés Feuer of Aktion Amazonas!