ACCA Wins Conservation Award
July 22, 2008
On June 5, 2008, ACA’s Peruvian sister organization, ACCA, was awarded the Public Recognition for Environmental Stewardship by the Regional Government of Cusco. This prize is awarded annually in celebration of World Environment Day through Cusco’s Agency of Natural Resources and Environmental Management. ACCA won for its work creating the first conservation concession for an indigenous Peruvian community, the Huachipaire Haramba Queros.
This is in addition to recognition for ACCA’s research advances in the Wayqecha Cloud Forest, the preservation of 146,000 hectares (360,000 acres) of land in the Los Amigos River basin, and the establishment of more than 310,000 hectares (766,000 acres) of Brazil nut concessions benefiting more than 400 families.