Conservación Amazónica – ACCA Receives Approval for Phase One of New Conservation Area in Puno
March 25, 2024

On March 15th, the first stage of the creation process for the Selva Verde – Santo Domingo de Puno Regional Conservation Area was approved by the Peruvian National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP). This marks the completion of one of four stages defined by SERNANP to create a conservation area, which begins with the systematization of physical and biological information, cartographic analysis of the area, and a financial sustainability commitment letter signed by the Regional Governor of Puno. The Manager of the Regional Government of Puno, Wilman Mendoza Quipe, indicated his agreement and joy at achieving this important milestone as part of the process of establishing this regional conservation area.
This proposed conservation area consists of 109,000 hectares of forests located in the buffer zone of the Bahuaja Sonene National Park, and overlaps the “Bahuaja Sonene” Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) and two regional priority sites, known as “Selva Verde” and “Santo Domingo.” Among the most notable characteristics presented by this proposal, a representative sample of pristine forests of the Bolivian Yungas Ecoregion will be protected, which only exists in the Puno Region, and is the habitat of various endangered species such as the woolly monkey, the woolly night monkey, the jaguar, the spectacled bear, and the tapir among others.

Although no notable human activity has been identified within the proposed area, an increase in deforestation has been observed in adjacent areas, destined mainly for illicit coca growing and the presence of mining activity on the left bank of the Inambari River outside the proposed conservation area, which poses a threat to the integrity of the surrounding forests.
Ronald Catpo, Conservation Director of Conservación Amazónica – ACCA, stated that this approval of the first phase marks a significant step towards the conservation and protection of biodiversity in the Puno region. Likewise, he reaffirmed the commitment of all parties involved in the protection of our natural resources.