Peru’s Minister of Environment Antonio Brack Cites ACA’s Work
November 22, 2009
The Peruvian Minister of Environment, Dr. Antonio Brack Egg, attended the 8th annual MAP Forum, a tri-national civil society conference on sustainable development named for the areas it includes: Madre de Dios, Peru; Acre, Brazil; and Pando, Bolivia.
Minister Brack’s presence at the conference in Puerto Maldonado, Peru demonstrated the interest that the new Environment Ministry has in conservation in the Amazon’s headwaters. It also raised the profile of the forum, which began as a small volunteer-run meeting eight years ago; ACA has participated in the forum for a number of years.
In his speech, Minister Brack lauded MAP participants for their efforts and pointed to other opportunities for sustainable development in the southwestern Amazon such as ecotourism, fish farming, reforestation, and carbon markets. He also made special mention of the potential for tropical research, and identified ACA’s Los Amigos Biological Station as a role model for the region and a first-class research facility where many plants and animal species have been discovered. (Photo by Miguel Moran.)