New Funds Support Sustainable Management of Regional Conservation Areas in Peru’s Cuzco Region
July 24, 2024
As part of a significant step in advancing the sustainable management of regional conservation areas in Peru, our sister organization in Peru Conservación Amazónica–ACCA donated 290,000 Peruvian Soles (about $77,100) to the Cuzco Regional Government in support of a project aiming to create a regional system of protected areas in the country’s Andes-Amazon region. This initiative arises from an agreement between the Cuzco Regional Government and Conservación Amazónica–ACCA to sustainably manage the Chuyapi Urusayhua Regional Conservation Area (RCA), one of the region’s five RCAs.
Thanks to the financial support of the Andes Amazon Fund, this is Conservación Amazónica–ACCA’s third donation to the Cuzco Regional Government totaling more than 725,500 Soles (about $193,100) since 2022. These funds are dedicated to the sustainable management of several Regional Conservation Areas including Ausangate, Tres Cañones, and Chuyapi Urusayhua. With this latest contribution, Conservación Amazónica–ACCA and the Cuzco Regional Government continue to consolidate their commitment to the conservation and environmental management of the region’s rich biodiversity.
The Chuyapi Urusayhua RCA was established in 2021 to conserve water resources; to preserve vulnerable ecosystems, including highland grasslands called punas and the Yungas forests; and to protect emblematic species such as the Andean bear (or spectacled bear), cock-of-the-rock, puma, and jaguarundi. The recent funds from Conservación Amazónica–ACCA supports continued control and surveillance activities, sustainable economic activities, and a range of conservation and protection mechanisms that help further the overarching objectives of the RCAs.
The latest donation reinforces the commitment of both entities to the protection of biodiversity, natural resources, and the well-being of local communities. The ongoing partnership demonstrates that joint efforts can more effectively achieve shared objectives, and it shows the Cuzco Regional Government’s political will to continue improving the conservation of its ecosystems and the management of the RCAs. It also highlights the Cuzco Regional Government’s commitment to building a regional system of protected areas, as well as the creation of new regional conservation areas such as the proposed Araza Forests RCA.