Earth Month Wrap-Up: Become a Champion for Nature and Biodiversity

As Earth Month draws to a close, we want to share the impact of your contribution this month to honor nature and protect biodiversity conservation in the Amazon. All ecosystems, near and far, are interconnected and depend on the health of the planet. Protecting the rainforest’s diverse ecosystems and biodiversity is crucial to protecting wildlife, people, and ways of life across the globe. 

By becoming a champion for nature and biodiversity today, you are joining a movement with long-term global impacts. Here’s what taking action can look like: 

  • Your contribution of $25 can plant 20 trees to restore damaged habits in the Amazon. 
  • Your contribution of $50 can protect about 2 acres of Andean bear habitat, a keystone species that helps regenerate forests through seed dispersal.
  • Your contribution of $100 can guarantee the protection of 500 acres at our Los Amigos Conservation Hub and protected area in the Peruvian Amazon for one year.
  • Your contribution of $250 can prevent 5,400 metric tons of carbon from being released into the atmosphere through the protection of standing forests, equivalent to the annual CO2 emissions of over 1,000 cars.
  • Your contribution of $5,000 can train one local community member in drone operations to monitor up to 500 acres of forests, helping identify and combat illegal deforestation.

Make a difference today!

By strengthening our on-the-ground conservation efforts and supporting sustainable production, you are helping us work across boundaries to combat nature crimes and empower local people to strengthen forest-based economies as essential steps in improving the well-being of local communities, safeguarding nature, and protecting the region’s rich biodiversity.

Learn more about how you can honor nature and support biodiversity protection this Earth Month!




ACCA and ACEAA Join the South American Forest Conservation Alliance (SAFCA)

On March 11th, representatives from our sister organizations Conservación Amazónica-ACEAA and Conservación Amazónica-ACCA met with the Foundation for the Conservation of the Chiquitano Forest – FCBC from Bolivia and Aktion Amazonas – AKAM from Denmark in Puerto Maldonado, Peru to formalize the creation of South American Forest Conservation Alliance (SAFCA) through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This new alliance represents the beginning of an international effort committed to conserving biodiversity and sustainable development in the Amazon and Chiquitanía, a tropical savannas region in the Santa Cruz Department of Bolivia.

SAFCA aims to integrate collective efforts in addressing environmental issues and initiate solutions for protecting biodiversity, the rights of local and indigenous people, and combating deforestation in the Amazon. The main objective is to form a strategic approach via landscape connectivity for conserving the tropical forests that stretch from the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest to the Bolivian Chiquitano Forest in Santa Cruz. 

Conservación Amazónica – ACCA coordinated this event to exchange experiences between indigenous leaders, environmental defenders, and Peruvian national authorities to help understand what issues and environmental crimes threaten the Amazon, and how legal action can be taken to address such. María Elena Gutiérrez and Marcos Terán, Executive Directors of Conservación Amazónica-ACCA and Conservación Amazónica-ACEAA respectively, attended this event on behalf of the alliance to emphasize the importance of the social and cultural factors surrounding the Amazonian-Chiquitano landscape, which are vital for understanding solutions for sustainable development and adequate adaptation to climate resilience. Furthermore, FENAMAD Vice President Eusebio Ríos voiced his concerns about challenges faced by indigenous communities largely due to a high increase in illegal activities and violence in the Peruvian Amazon. In response, Toke F. Nyborg from Aktion Amazonas, highlighted the necessity for civil action among local communities and decision-makers when it comes to addressing major threats to the ecosystem. Technical team members from our Peru and Bolivia teams also shared their fieldwork, monitoring initiatives, climatic data, and experiences working with young people and community leaders in environmental monitoring and advocacy. 

Amazon Conservation and its alliance has had a long history of teaming up with partners across the Amazon to initiate effective conservation efforts to protect biodiversity and local and indigenous people. Overall, understanding key issues in the Amazon opens doors to opportunities for solutions and action-taking when conserving South America’s tropical forests. The formation of SAFCA will help lead to collective efforts in building climate reliance, strengthening livelihoods, and benefiting both the planet and humanity. 

Information and photos provided by Conservación Amazónica-ACEAA and Maia Galmés Feuer of Aktion Amazonas!










Join Us in Celebrating Biodiversity for Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day from all of us at Amazon Conservation!

We appreciate all you have done over the past weeks to honor nature and support biodiversity protection this Earth Month. In honor of Earth Day, join us in celebrating the one-of-a-kind biodiversity of the rainforest. We invite you to take a moment to reflect on the global and local importance of this region and how you can take action to help protect this unique biodiversity. 

The Amazon gives us up to 20% of the air we breathe, stores 25% of the world’s water, and stabilizes the Earth’s climate. A thriving Amazon matters to the people and wildlife living there, the countries it encompasses, and the world.  Together we can empower people to become champions for our environment, protect millions of acres of wild places, and put science and technology to work for conservation.

How YOU can make a real impact: 

  • Support real work on the ground by making a contribution to honor nature and support biodiversity protection. Better yet, set up a recurring donation this Earth Day by marking your gift as “Monthly” and join our community of conservation heroes working together to build a collective movement to sustain the long-term conservation of the Amazon.
  • Plant your seed today – at no cost to you today – to support long-term conservation goals by including Amazon Conservation in your will or trust. Create your will for free today.
  • Enlist your friends and family in protecting the Amazon by creating a crowdfunding campaign this Earth Month!
  • Spread the word about the importance of the Amazon with your friends and community by including us in your Giving Circle. Reach out to us at for more information.
  • Maximize your impact on the planet by checking if your contribution is eligible for a match from your employer, by making a contribution from your Donor-Advised Fund, or by aligning your business with our mission by becoming a Business Partner. Learn more about these various Ways to Give here.
  • Did you know we accept donations of stock, cryptocurrency, and Qualified Charitable Distributions? Learn more about these various Ways to Give here or reach out to with any questions.


By joining our on-the-ground conservation efforts, you are helping us work across boundaries to combat nature crimes to safeguard nature and biodiversity for all who depend on the forest.

By supporting sustainable production, you are empowering local people and strengthening forest-based economies as an essential step in improving the well-being of local communities, safeguarding nature, and protecting the region’s rich biodiversity.

This Earth Day, remember that your favorite local natural spot is connected to ecosystems near and far, including the Amazon. Protecting the rainforest’s diverse ecosystems and biodiversity helps protect wildlife, people, and ways of life across the planet. 

Thank you for standing with us this Earth Day to honor nature, protect biodiversity, and improve the well-being of local people!



MAAP: Illegal roads and Deforestation in Indigenous Reserves & National Parks of the Colombian Amazon

Primary forests in the Colombian Amazon are at risk from a variety of drivers such as illegal roads, which expose them to further threats of deforestation due to cattle pastures, land grabbing, and coca production. These illegal roads threaten protected areas, national parks, and Indigenous territories (referred to as  Resguardos in Colombia).

Our newest report, MAAP #211, documents these impacts in two important areas in the heart of the Colombian Amazon: the Llanos del Yari-Yaguara II Indigenous Reserve and the adjacent Chiribiquete National Park. In the Llanos del Yari-Yaguara II Indigenous Reserve, the construction of a new road is causing massive deforestation within and adjacent to the territory (856 hectares, or 2,115 acres, in total). In Chiribiquete National Park, we see the expansion of deforestation of 64 hectares (158 acres) along an illegal road penetrating the northwest sector of this important protected area.

In the report, we show a series of satellite images for both cases.

Read the full report here.



Sustainable Production: Safeguarding Nature to Improve the Well-Being of Local People

This month, we continue to celebrate Earth Month by honoring nature and all of the unique biodiversity and resources that the Amazon offers us. Do you know some of the most exotic, healthy, and sustainable fruits that come to us from the Amazon? From Brazil nuts to açaí berries, the forest is full of nutritious goods that are the key to improving the well-being of local families while also keeping forests intact. 

Sustainable production – which we also refer to as forest-based economy or bioeconomy – means harvesting naturally growing fruits and nuts from forests that are healthy and thriving rather than exploiting monocultures of a single product that quickly depletes the forest. It means diversifying products to support a biodiverse ecosystem that is resilient and able to adapt to the changing climate as well as providing local harvesters with a steady source of income year-round with varying harvest cycles. 

Support Sustainable Production to Protect Biodiversity

As an integral part of our work to prioritize a forest-based economy across the region, sustainable production also means empowering local producers and families by providing the capacity, tools, and infrastructure that support a sustainable forest-based economy, higher and more stable income, safer harvesting conditions, and improved well-being for local families. As we expand this successful economic model to more communities across the Bolivian Amazon, we have simultaneously supported the growth of local producer associations and their resilience to the impacts of climate change by helping develop local platforms like the Amazon Fruit and Climate Change Observatory

Supporting sustainable production also greatly benefits the Amazon and its vast biodiversity by promoting the sustainable use of natural resources and reinforcing the value of keeping forests healthy and standing. In addition, the success of forest-based economies across the region demonstrates their viability as an alternative to destructive economic activities like mining and logging. A successful forest-based economy centered on sustainable production goes hand in hand with improving the well-being of local people while protecting the sustainable resources of the Amazon for generations to come. 

Learn more about the benefits of building a forest-based economy here.

Your contribution this Earth Month strengthens sustainable production and protects biodiversity across the Amazon

Over the next decade, Amazon Conservation aims to create a true forest-based, climate-resilient economy across 37 million acres of the Amazon by strengthening local communities to fully benefit from the sustainable production of forest-friendly products provided by these rich forests. 

To achieve this goal, we are working on the ground alongside local Amazonian communities to optimize the sustainable production of Brazil nuts, acai berries, and other potential goods by helping add value to the products they harvest, diversifying their economic activities, and establishing climate-smart strategies that build resilience and adaptability for them and their forests.

Thank you for standing with us this Earth Month to honor nature, protect biodiversity, and improve the well-being of local people by supporting sustainable production!




Combating Nature Crimes: Safeguarding Nature and Biodiversity

April is not just a time for spring blossoms and warmer weather—it’s also Earth Month, a time to reflect on our planet’s incredible biodiversity and the urgent need to protect it. The Amazon’s rich biodiversity and all that depend on it – including local families, wildlife, and the world’s ability to regulate climate change – are under threat from a variety of drivers, one of the most significant being nature crimes. These illegal activities, ranging from illegal wildlife trafficking to deforestation, not only pose a severe threat to the overall forest cover of the Amazon and ecosystems worldwide but also undermine the conservation efforts and progress that have taken decades to put in place. 

As we delve into Earth Month, we want to highlight how combating these nature crimes is essential for safeguarding biodiversity and how our working as a founding member of the recently-established Nature Crime Alliance is a crucial next step in protecting biodiversity across the Amazon.

Deforestation: A Global Challenge

Some of the leading drivers of deforestation in the Amazon are criminal forms of logging, mining, fishing, wildlife trade, and land conversion. These nature crimes frequently converge with each other and other forms of international criminal activity. 

The region’s forests are biodiversity hotspots, teeming with life found nowhere else. However, rampant deforestation threatens this biodiversity, pushing species to the brink of extinction.

Combating deforestation requires a multifaceted approach since local law enforcement and environmental agencies responsible for addressing nature crimes are often underfunded, understaffed, overworked, and exacerbated by how commonplace corruption is. With this myriad of challenges in fighting illegal activities, joint efforts between civil society organizations, local communities, and governments are crucial to effectively combat the alarmingly increasing rates of illegal deforestation and nature crimes through real-time satellite monitoring, swift action on the ground, and reinforcing local land and territorial rights.

Through our Monitoring of the Andean Amazon Program and our integral role with the Nature Crime Alliance, we are working alongside local families, Indigenous communities, and regional governmental agencies to quickly identify and halt harmful economic activities that contribute to deforestation, offering a path toward both climate action and biodiversity preservation.

The Price of Biodiversity Loss

Biodiversity is the foundation of all healthy ecosystems. It encompasses all living organisms from microscopic bacteria to towering trees — each of which plays a vital role in maintaining ecological balance. When biodiversity is lost, ecosystems become vulnerable. This vulnerability extends to the well-being of humans, impacting our food security, water quality, and resilience to natural disasters.

Nature crimes drastically affect biodiversity loss by directly targeting unique species and key habitats. Poaching, for example, decimates populations of iconic species like the jaguar, Andean bear, and tropical birds. Deforestation, often driven by illegal logging, destroys the homes of countless plant and animal species. These crimes don’t just harm wildlife; they disrupt entire ecosystems, leading to a domino effect of environmental degradation.

The Link to Climate Change

Beyond the immediate loss of species and habitats, nature crimes have broader implications, including their contribution to climate change. Deforestation, for instance, not only destroys biodiversity-rich ecosystems but also releases stored carbon into the atmosphere, intensifying the effects of global warming. 

Unchecked agricultural activities can also speed up the destruction of critical ecosystems, as experienced by communities in the Andean Highlands when over-grazing for wild alpacas and vicuñas destroyed a vulnerable wetland ecosystem. Preserving forests and other natural habitats is a vital strategy for mitigating climate change and protecting biodiversity simultaneously. 

Individual Actions for Collective Impact

While these challenges may seem daunting, individuals can make a difference! Making a donation to Amazon Conservation’s sustainable conservation efforts and joining our Wild Keepers community of monthly givers are tangible ways to make an impact this Earth Month.

As we celebrate Earth Month, let’s remember that protecting biodiversity is not just an ecological issue; it’s a human imperative. Combating nature crimes, whether through tackling illegal wildlife trade, stopping illegal gold mining, or preserving forests, is fundamental to this mission. By safeguarding biodiversity, we not only protect the incredible variety of life on Earth but also secure a healthier, more resilient future for generations to come. This Earth Month, let’s stand together as stewards of the Amazon and of our planet, committed to halting nature crimes and to preserving the rainforest’s precious biodiversity for all.

Your contribution this Earth Month helps protect biodiversity across the Amazon

New MAAP Report Shows Before and After Photos of Mining Raid in Venezuela

Last year,  in collaboration with the organization SOS Orinoco, we published an urgent report about illegal mining on top of a sacred tepui in the heart of Yapacana National Park in the Venezuelan Amazon (MAAP #169). These Tepuis are stunning table-top mountains found in northern South America and are considered sacred by indigenous groups of the region.

MAAP #169 documented 425 illegal mining data points (consisting of mining camps and machinery) on top of the tepui, indicating an organized and large-scale operation. Given the importance of this finding, the Washington Post published a high-profile article on the subject in December of 2022, further exposing the severity of the illegal mining on the tepui. In response, the Venezuelan government conducted a military operation against the illegal mining activity on the tepui.

Here, in MAAP #207, we show a series of very high-resolution satellite images taken during the raid (December 2022) versus one year later (January 2024). The images reveal that all illegal mining camps and equipment on top of the tepui have been dismantled.

While this removal of illegal mining activity from the tepui marks an important victory for Amazon conservation in Venezuela, we also show illegal mining continues in surrounding areas within and outside the Yapacana National Park.

Read the full report here.


Honor Nature and Support Biodiversity Protection this Earth Month

Thank you for honoring nature with us this Earth Month!

Throughout April, we are stepping outside and taking the time to appreciate all the beautiful flora and fauna that surrounds us. In line with appreciating our environment this Earth Month, we are asking our supporters to help us protect the incredible biodiversity of one of the planet’s most critical ecosystems: the Amazon.

A thriving Amazon matters to the people and wildlife who live there, the countries it encompasses, and the entire world. As the single largest tropical rainforest on the planet, the Amazon is an immensely diverse region that serves key roles both locally and globally. Not only is this forest home to more than 10% of the world’s known wildlife species and the ancestral homelands to more than 400 tribes, but it is also a vital resource for traditional and modern medicine, including vaccines and cancer treatment, and a major force as a global climate regulator and carbon sink.

Your favorite local natural spot is connected to ecosystems near and far, including the Amazon. Protecting the rainforest’s diverse ecosystems and biodiversity helps protect wildlife, people, and ways of life across the planet. 


What happens in the forest doesn’t stay in the forest; it affects all of us across the globe. Now is the time to take action for nature and biodiversity


To honor nature and protect biodiversity this Earth Month, explore these 5 quick and easy ways that you can make a difference:

1. Create your legacy today to honor the Amazon for generations to come: This Earth Month, you have the unique chance to cultivate a lasting legacy, one that provides a protective canopy for plants, animals, and communities for generations to come. By including Amazon Conservation in your will or trust, you’re not just sowing seeds for change; you’re nurturing a future where the vibrant ecosystems of the Amazon and the diverse communities that call it home thrive together, safeguarded by your foresight and generosity. Plant your roots for the future by creating your free plan today. If you have already included Amazon Conservation in your will or trust, let us know by filling out this quick form!

2. Spread appreciation for nature and the Amazon’s biodiversity through your Giving Circle: Are you part of a Giving Circle or community of Doers committed to making the world a better place? Share why you want to help protect the Amazon with your friends, family, and followers to maximize our conservation impact. Even better, invite us to speak with your group about how we are working for a thriving Amazon! Send us an email to find out more.

3. Become a Wild Keeper to honor nature and protect biodiversity throughout the year: When you donate to Amazon Conservation every month, you are providing the sustainable support we need to ensure the longevity of our programs on the ground across the rainforest. Starting your monthly donation of any amount in honor of nature and Earth Month facilitates your giving plans and deepens your impact because recurring gifts help us plan for ongoing support of our most essential conservation efforts with long-term impacts. By becoming a Wild Keeper, you are joining a global community of champions of biodiversity working together to take collective action for nature and to protect biodiversity in the Amazon and beyond. Learn more about what it means to join our community of Wild Keepers here.

4. Honor nature through your business and grow your brand’s impact: Being a business supporter of Amazon Conservation’s mission is a great way for your businesses to give back to the planet and leave a lasting positive impact on nature. Our business partners support our work in a variety of ways, from corporate donations and fundraisers to events and workplace giving. Find out more about business partnerships here or send us an email to start giving back.

5. Find other ways to honor nature and grow your impact for Earth Month: Do you know the variety of ways you can make your contribution to Amazon Conservation count? Check out our Ways to Give page and explore if your contribution might qualify for a match from your employer, explore other donation means that could mean bigger tax benefits, or consider sharing your love for nature and the Amazon by selecting “I Want To Fundraise for This” on our Donation Page to start a Peer to Peer Fundraiser to raise funds to protect biodiversity in the Amazon.

Honor Nature and Support Biodiversity Protection Today!